TLA invites you to participate in its 51st Annual Conference, Professional Workshop, and General Meeting from 10th - 14th February 2025 in Zanzibar at Golden Tulip Hotel. The conference will bring together Librarians and Information professionals, ICT and any other interested stakeholders from the government ministries and civil societies to share experience, and Best Practices in Library Information Management and Services.

Conference Theme
“Navigating the Future: Innovations and Best Practices in Library Information Management and Services”


  1. Transformative technologies in library management and services.
  2. Digital literacy and lifelong learning.
  3. Digital transformation and library services.
  4. User-centric library services.
  5. Data-driven decision-making in library management.
  6. Preserving cultural heritage in the digital age.
  7. Collaborative platforms for open science and knowledge sharing.
  8. Innovative digital infrastructure for library management.
  9. AI and machine learning in knowledge management.
  10. Ethical considerations in library information management.
  11. Emerging trends in library science education.
  12. Professional development and skills for the future.
  13. Advancing accessibility and inclusivity through technology.

Professional Workshop Theme
“Navigating the Prospects: Innovations and Best Practices in Librarianship”

Target Participants

  • Librarians
  • Information professionals
  • Representatives from government ministries and civil society organizations
  • ICT professionals
  • Individuals with an interest in library information services

Key Dates and Activities

  • 10 February 2025: Conference
  • 11–12 February 2025: Training Workshop
  • 13 February 2025: AGM Election & Cocktail
  • 14 February 2025: Tour & Networking

Zanzibar, Golden Tulip Hotel

Registration Fees

  • TLA Members: 600,000/=
  • Non-TLA Members: 650,000/=

Payment Information
Payments should be made to NBC Bank:

  • Account Number: 022100303145
  • Account Name: Tanzania Library Association

Contact for Confirmation and Queries

  • Dr. Kardo Mwilongo: +255 754 007 330
  • Dr. Rhodes Mwageni: +255 754 350 218
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.